7 Jun 2018
Public Engagement

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Superconductors are fascinating quantum materials with applications that include the lossless transmission of electrical power, levitating trains, making huge magnetic fields, and detecting the tiniest magnetic fields. Conventional superconductors were discovered in 1911 but the theoretical explanation did not come until 1957. High temperature superconductivity, discovered in 1986, is unconventional and we still don't have a theory that explains it. There are dozens of other types of unconventional superconductors that we cannot explain.
In this lecture, Professor Greene will explore superconductivity and the bizarre behaviours of some quantum materials, and show some of the transformative applications. She will explain what we do know, and give a perspective of how much we still have to learn. Superconductivity reminds her of the universe itself: we use it every day, it�s very useful, and mostly, we don�t know much about it!
Professor Laura Greene is the past president of the American Physical Society, Chief Scientist at the National MagLab and the Francis Eppes Professor of Physics at Florida State University.
For more information and to register for free�sign up here.
Thursday 14 June, 6.00 pm, Windsor Auditorium
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX
For more information e-mail here.